Murcia Hygiene offers the ideal complement to your urinals.


We know that urinals sometimes tend to give off very unpleasant odors due to the accumulation of scale deposits and contaminant bacteria that adhere to the pipes.

This system consists of the placement of a filter's rubber injected with a disinfectant impregnated in essence which in contact with water or urine, gives off a pleasant fragrance, acting at the same time as a  filter to prevent blockages caused by cigarette ends and other objects.


Our services offer you a discreet, innovative and reliable disposal system.

Murcia Hygiene health unit is a safe and clean system to deposit the waste arising in the female toilets.


- It is hygienic due to its design that incorporates pedal and locking. This prevents handling and the risk of cross-infection.

- It is safe because incorporates a bactericide made specifically for Murcia Hygiene, which neutralizes all kinds of bacteria, fungi and viruses including Hepatitis B and C and HIV, which causes AIDS.

- It is clean because waste is managed by our qualified staff.
